Luxe Imagery | Sacramento Luxury Boudoir Photography

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6 Ways Women Can Increase Their Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is defined as a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment. Self-confidence is important to your health and psychological well-being. -Perry P. Concept analysis: confidence/self-confidence.

Benefits of Self-Confidence

When we believe in ourself, we are more willing to try new things and we’ll be far more successful in the things we are already doing.

When our self-confidence is lacking, we tend to stay in our comfort zone, and even begin to fail or under-perform activities we do on a daily basis. Our relationships begin to suffer, and our quality of life in general can.

Thankfully, there are things we can do to boost our self-confidence. Whether you lack confidence in one specific area or you struggle to feel confident in most things, these strategies hopefully can help.

Go have a Boudoir Photoshoot done!

There’s no question here. Looking your best helps you feel your best. But what if you looked your best and someone was there to capture you, encouraging you and supporting you along the way? What if she knew exactly what to say and exactly how to pose you in the most flattering way?

A boudoir experience allows you to embrace the beautiful and powerful woman that’s hidden just beneath the surface, due to life and all its stressors. Showing up and being vulnerable with a photographer who understands exactly what you’re going through can be one of the most liberating and life changing experiences that you will want to revisit for years to come. You will undoubtedly come away with far more self love and confidence than you ever thought possible.

Practice self-compassion

Self compassion is giving yourself a little grace. Treat yourself with kindness, like you would a good friend. We all make mistakes, and no one is even close to being perfect, so have a little laugh and cut yourself some slack. Self doubt and negative self talk will not help you feel better about yourself or help you do better at something you maybe came up short on. 

Care for yourself

Lack of sleep, poor food choices, excess alcohol, and a lack of exercise can take a major toll on your body. If your body doesn’t feel great, your mind won’t either. When you start falling behind in your work or your relationships start to become affected, your self-confidence will follow. When you begin to make healthier choices and implement healthier habits into your daily routine, your confidence in yourself and your abilities are bound to increase! 

A 2016 study published in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment found that regular physical activity improved participants’ body image. And when their body image improved, they felt more confident.

Create Boundaries

It’s okay to say no! “No, I can’t make happy hour again tonight.” “No, that show is awfully good, but I need to get to sleep earlier tonight.” “No, I can’t take on that extra project this month. I’m trying to spend more quality time with my family.”

We can teach others to respect our personal boundaries, and when we have more control and say in our lives, our confidence in ourselves increases as well. 

Stop comparing yourself to others

Do you find yourself scrolling instagram and comparing your life to others that seem more “instaworthy?” Stop it! Comparing your income, style, achievements, etc. to someone else’s just isn’t realistic - and it creates envy and a feeling that you’re lacking, which isn’t a healthy way for your mind to operate. Stay in your lane. You are you, and while there might be some things you may want to improve, comparison to others isn’t the way to do so, and it certainly won’t improve your self-confidence in the process. 

Do things that challenge and scare you

I’m a mountain biker, but I’m still learning and very new to the “scene.” Along my journey, there have been several challenges and downright scary moments I’ve faced. Every single time I overcome a fear to go down a big drop or let off the brakes more in the corners, my confidence in myself and my skills soars. It’s like a high I just can’t stop chasing! The best way to overcome your fears is to face them head on, so do things every day that scare you. Soon enough, your self confidence will override those now, powerless fears.